MISSIONS as an intellectual and graphic service provider
2021 - Observer during the entire 2021 season of la fabrique autonome des acteurs (performing arts structure), Bataville, FR
2019-2020 - TOURNER LA PAGE, research project on the worlds of work, Archives Nationales du Monde du Travail, Roubaix, FR
2019 - AUDIT Beursschouwburg, supported by CAVEAT, Brussels, BE
2018 - AUDIT Siegwerk, supported by La Villa du Parc (Art center), Annemasse, FR
2017-2018 - AUDIT Été 78, commissioned by Olivier Gevart, Brussels, BE
2017 - Mission for La Fabrique Autonome des Acteurs, Bataville, FR
2016 - AUDIT Le Magasin, MAGASIN CNAC, Grenoble, FR

since 2021 - member of the research group of la Fabrique autonome des acteurs (performing arts structure), Bataville, FR
since 2020 - manager of the plateform for local (food) products “Buurderij Heerlen“,, NL
since 2019 - team member of the artist-run space Greylight Projects, Heerlen, NL

2023 - Procès-verbaux, Artist-fun space, CDLA (Le centre des livres d'artistes), Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche, FR
2022 - PATRONS, Archives nationales du monde du travail, Roubaix, FR
2018 - Que fais-tu dans la vie ? J'agis comme une table de ping-pong et je crois en l'invisible., Point Culture, Brussels, BE
2018 - Would you rather push the line or cross the line?, curated by Franz Thalmair, Kunstraum Lakeside, Klagenfurt, AT
2017 - ARTISSIMA, Galerie Eva MEYER, Turin, IT
2017 - étoffes à décor de circonstance, La BF15, Lyon, FR
2014 - [ _ ], Joséphine Kaeppelin with Mickaël Roy, Espace International, CEAAC, Strasbourg, FR
2014 - Something must happen., Greusslich Contemporary, Berlin, DE
2014 - How to get out of the screen, curator : Mickaël Roy, virtual gallery of the PLAC, Petit Lieu de l'Art Contemporain, Toulon, FR
2014 - ON / OFF, Greylight Projects, Bruxelles, BE
2013 - Management des impressions, MBDTCurators, Nantes, FR
2013 - screen/space, GEDOK e.V., Stuttgart, DE
2013 - Press here to stop !, POPPOSITIONS Off-Fair, les commissaires anonymes, Bruxelles, BE
2012 - Project Room n°11 curated by Sophie Kaplan, CRAC Alsace, Altkirch, FR

GROUP SHOWS (selection)
2023 - BANQUEROUTE, Curated by Sophie Delhasse and Maxime Moinet from art au centre, at La boverie museum , Liège, BE
2023 - Chères hantises, FRAC Alsace, Sélestat, FR
2022 - FRAGMENT FRAGMENT, with Claude Horstmann, Emeline Galhac, Elise Alloin, Marianne Mispelaëre, Joséphine Kaeppelin, GEDOK Stuttgart + Lagune offspace, Stuttgart DE
2022 - Narratives, B.A.R., Roubaix, FR
2022 - Festival des Antipodes #3, Bataville, FR
2022 - The promise of ruins, Misfortunes of the Turbo-Tasking, The Balcony, The Hague, NL
2021 - Night Shift – Festival Cultura Nova, Heerlen, NL
2021 - Les mondes bricolés, curated by Doriane Spiteri, Gallery Quinconce, Monfort-sur-Meu, FR
2021 - Out of the box, curated by Marie-Claire Krell, Klub Solitaer, Chemnitz, DE
2021 - Claude Horstmann – STAY GOLD + guests, Gallery Laura Mars, Berlin, DE
2021 - Not dead, B.A.R., Roubaix, FR
2020 - PAPER WORKS, Le Salon, Greylight Projects, Heerlen, NL
2020 - Festival des Antipodes 2, presentation and activation of PATRONS, fabrique autonome des acteurs, Bataville, FR
2020 - JOURS DE COLÈRE, presentation of a billboard poster, organised by FRAC Lorraine, Sarreguemines, FR
2019 - Pourquoi faire / Pour quoi faire, Été 78, Bruxelles, BE
2019 - On y marche avec l'oreille (l'appel du terrain), curated by: Garance Chabert, Villa du Parc, Annemasse, FR
2019 - Défragmentation, curated by: S.Ibrahim / C.Franceschetto, La Boutonnerie, Bruxelles, BE
2019 - Résonnance - Resonanz, Citadelle de Bitche, Bitche, FR
2019 - Now it's the moment where the story can start again., curated by: Bérangère Armand, Suquet des artistes, Cannes, FR
2018 - Festival des Antipodes, organised by La Fabrique Autonome des Acteurs, Bataville, FR
2018 - Ce qui nous tient, ce à quoi nous tenons, galerie du Théâtre du Granit, curated by Mickaël Roy, Belfort, FR
2018 - ",",", - Footnotes, curated by Originalcopy, WIELS, Project Room, Brussels, BE
2018 - Ô Boulot !, Maif Social Club, curated by Anne-Sophie Bérard, Paris, FR
2018 - Times to reflect on, Jozsa Gallery, curated by Pauline Hatzigeorgiou, Brussels, BE
2017 - a ditto, ditto device, Angewandte Innovation Laboratory, curated by Originalcopy Vienna, AT
2017 - Balak #7, espace temporaire d’art contemporain, Maison des Ailleurs, Charleville-Mézières, FR
2017 - Métalangue, Les commissaires anonymes, ISELP, Brussels, BE
2017 - IN / OUT, Greylight Projects, Brussels, BE
2016 - On aura au moins tenu jusque là !, MPVite, association SUPER, Nozay, FR
2016 - # INSTITUT part 1 : Table of content*, ISELP, Bruxelles, BE
2016 - Les images respirent aussi, curated by Iconoscope and Mickaël Roy, DRAWING ROOM, La panacée, Montpellier, FR
2016 - In other terms, curated by Pauline Hatzigeorgiou, ART ON PAPER, BOZAR, Bruxelles, BE
2016 - ZONES SENSIBLES La carte fait-elle le monde ?, 49 Nord 6 Est - FRAC Lorraine, Metz, FR
2016 - Going Places, Atelier Mondial, Basel, CH
2016 - Quelques manuscrits trouvés dans une cervelle …, Gallery Martine Aboucaya, Paris, FR
2016 - Current residents & associates / The Chapel, Greylight Projects, Brussels, BE
2016 - This outsideness, Gallery Art & Essai Université Rennes 2, Rennes, FR
2016 - Double Jeu, Gallery Eva Meyer, Paris, FR
2015 - Exposition de Noël 2015, Il faut qu'il se passe quelque chose. Ancien musée de peinture, Grenoble, FR
2015 - Les cimes des arbres, peut-être, Iconoscope, Montpellier, FR
2015 - SPAM !, Gallery Annie Gabrielli, Montpellier, FR
2015 - OFFM public art panels, international billboards exhibition, Francfort, D
2015 - Imminent Landscape & Notes from the other side, with Jonna Kina, Rooster Gallery, NYC, USA
2015 - Conversations sur l'invisible, gallery Martine Aboucaya, Paris, FR
2015 - Intertidal, curated by : MBDTCurators, gallery Eva Meyer, Paris, FR
2015 - La mécanique des gestes, galerie du théâtre de Privas, FR
2014 - The shortest distance between two points, curated by Rachel Vera Steinberg, Syndicat Potentiel, Strasbourg, FR
2014 - Galerie My Monkey, 6 week-ends of Contemporary art, organised by Le mètre carré, Nancy, FR
2014 - This Page Intentionally Left Blank, curated by Franz Thalmair, Akbank Art Center, Istanbul, TR
2013 - GC/Watch_List Joséphine Kaeppelin + Zach Trow, Greusslich Contemporary, Berlin, DE
2013 - Résidences croisées, Strasbourg, FR
2013 - Digital art festival of Nabeul, curated by DatADaTa from ENSBA Lyon /, TN
2013 - on était tellement ailleurs, La Chaufferie, Strasbourg, FR
2012 - OCTOPUS project, online exhibition, Curated by : M. Aktypi and N. Frespech with
2012 - Exposition de Noël, organised by le Magasin CNAC, ancien Musée de peinture, Grenoble, FR
2012 - Solène Bouffard-Claude Horstmann-Joséphine Kaeppelin-Julia Wenz, Rathaus, Stuttgart, DE
2012 - Les cascades de l'infraréel, curated by Les commissaires anonymes, XPO Gallery, Paris, FR
2012 - Faire Faire, Abbaye d’Alspach, Kaysersberg, FR
2012 - Biennale de Mulhouse 012, FR
2011 - ueber-setzen, Atelier Wilhelmstrasse, Stuttgart, DE
2011 - REGIONALE 12 - video, accélérateur de particules, Strasbourg, FR
2011 - REGIONALE 12, Information und Erfarhung, Kunstverein, Freiburg, DE
2011 - «A4», an edition project by CRAC Alsace and Kunsthalle Mulhouse, FR
2011 - Homemade/Handmade, International linen Biennial of Portneuf, Pont-rouge, QC.CA
2011 - Idiolecte(s), Jeanne Berger/Joséphine Kaeppelin, Syndicat potentiel, Strasbourg, FR
2011 - Une exposition en 4 actes, commissariat Sophie Kaplan, espace Apollonia, Strasbourg, FR
2011 - Tous debout, une exposition Accélérateur de particules, espace Apollonia, Strasbourg, FR
2011 - Séance tenante, exposition collective de 10 étudiants de l’ESADS, Frac Alsace, Sélestat, FR
2010 - Design Parade 05, exhibition of the 10 finalist designers, Villa Noailles, Hyères, FR

2018 - Residency with Hérilab - Mediatheque F. Mitterrand, Héricourt, FR
2015 - Residency in New-York (6 months), with RU Residency Unlimited in Pioneer Works, NY, USA
2014 - Research residency (AIR program), FRAC Lorraine, Metz, FR
2014 - ON/on, group residency in motoco, with the support of the Kunsthalle, Mulhouse, FR
2013 - Residency in Francfort in Kulturbunker (2 months), with CEAAC and the city of Francfort, DE
2012 - Residency in Gedok e.V. (3 months), Stuttgart, DE

RELATED ACTIVITIES (lectures, workshops, events)
2023 - KOK & KUNST dîner, organized by the Buurderij Heerlen, hosted by Greylight Projects, Heerlen, NL
2022 - Presentation of Greylight Projects, organised by La Criée art center / Territoire Extra, Université Rennes 2, FR
2022 - co-organiser of the Festival des Antipodes 3° édition - 9-10-11 september, Bataville, FR
2022 - co-curator of What the flag?!, Greylight Projects, Heerlen, NL
2021 - Presentation of my practice to the students of 2° and 3° year (art option) from the art school ENSA Nancy, FR
2021 - Presentation of PATRONS for the festival Les Rendez-vous de l'histoire, invited by les Archives nationales du monde du travail, Blois, FR
2021 - APPLES & ORANGES, artists' publications and multiple fair, CIAP C-mine, Genk, BE
2020 - performed reading of the text Elle, event Plongée dans Bataville organized by FRAC Lorraine, Bataville, FR
2020 - jury member for the master Art/design mention Espace, Ecole supérieure d'Art et Design, Saint-Etienne
2020 - Campagne d'affichage, workshop with kids from the middle school Jean-Baptiste Lebas, organised by Art Connexion, Roubaix, FR
2019 - Artist Placement, presentation of the Audit Siegwerk, 2 days working session organised by CAVEAT at ARGOS, Brussels, BE
2019 - Sous influence, workshop, Master students from ArbA EsA, Brussels, BE
2018 - J'agis comme une table de ping-pong., lecture, Archives Nationales du Monde du Travail (invited by Art Connexion, Lille), Roubaix, FR
2017 - Periphrasis (for a ditto, ditto device), originalcopy, workshop and exhibition process, Freies Theater, Innsbruck, AT
2017 - The survey We value your feedback.(2016) is presented in Mains d'oeuvres, St Ouen, invited by Colophon.
2017 - GREY MARKET, organization and participation, first edition, Greylight Projects, Brussels, BE
2017 - Lecture of the text Jeu de société & Embrayage, Sous influence … FRAC Lorraine, Metz, FR
2014 - Founder member of the group for artistic researchs ON/on (6 artists and 1 curator)
2013 - Artist talk #2, Ateliers MilleFeuilles, Nantes
2013 - Artist assitant of Claude Horstmann for a project in Ulm, DE
2012 - Individual financial support for a production, DRAC (Direction régionale des affaires culturelles d'Alsace), Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, FR
2012 - Co-curator with Jeanne Berger for the exhibition FAIRE FAIRE, Abbaye d'Alspach, Kaysersberg, FR

2016 - Ce que j'en dis., video featured from the website of Le MAGASIN CNAC
2014 -, exhibition curated by Mickaël Roy
2013 - Digital art festival of Nabeul, curated by DatADaTa from ENSBA Lyon /, TN
2012 - OCTOPUS project, online exhibition, Curated by : M. Aktypi and N. Frespech with
2011 -
2011 -

2022 - Extraits des procès verbaux, set of 36 postcards and poster, FR
2019 - Audit Siegwerk, Edition Villa du Parc, FR
2018 - Que fais-tu dans la vie ? , Kit d'introspection, Ed. 20ex., produced by Hérilab, Médiathèque François Mitterrand, Héricourt
2016 - EX.PDF : Exposer les écritures exposées, Ed. 15ex., curatorial and editorial concept by John Cornu & Emma-Charlotte Gobry-Laurencin
2014 - TABLETTE, Ed. 25ex. with Pétrole Editions, Strasbourg

2019 - originalcopy Post-Digital Strategies of Appropriation, Michael Kargl & Franz Thalmair (Eds.), Edition Angewandte, AT
2019 - Recherche / Research, Franz Thalmair Editor, kunstraum Lakeside, AT
2019 - Au rapport !, text by Samuel Nicolaï, Flux News, BE
2019 - Joséphine Kaeppelin, text by Florence Cheval, revue l'ART MÊME, BE
2018 - Un audit sur les murs de Siegwerk, by Laura Campisano, Le messager newspaper, FR
2018 - Par ouï dire - autour du Botanique, radio program, interviewed by Thierry Génicot, RTBF, BE
2018 - Cela va changer ma façon d'exposer., article of Stéphane Renault, The Art Newspaper
2018 - Que faisons-nous et avec quelles intentions ?, Text: Alicia Hernandez-Dispaux, PointCulture, Brussels, BE
2018 - L'entreprise Siegwerk ouvre ses portes à une artiste, , by Sandrine Jolion, Le Dauphiné newspaper, FR
2017 - Votre opinion compte pour nous., Text: Septembre Tiberghien, revue l'ART MÊME, Brussels, BE
2017 - PATCH, magazine, edited by ISELP, Brussels, BE
2016 - Fanzine, together with the exhibition JUMP, curated by Agnès Violeau, CAC Brétigny, FR
2016 - Made with, a text by Bertrand Charles, in HORS D'OEUVRE n°36 - Art & Artisanat
2015 - Du travail, encore! n°8 Le Salon magazine, from the research center IDE of ÉSAL, directed by Sally Bonn and Alain (Georges) Leduc.
2014 - This Page Intentionally Left Blank, editor and curator: Franz Thalmair
2012 - FAIRE FAIRE, exhibition booklet, texts: Claire Kueny and Mickaël Roy, 300 ex.
2012 - Biennale Mulhouse 012, biennial catalogue
2012 - ueber-setzen, exhibition booklet, text: Stéphane Le Mercier, 100 ex.
2012 - DRONE # 1, edition curated by Gabriel Hernandez and Elisabeth Corceiro, 100 ex.
2011 - Joséphine is surfing, an interview by Mathilde Sauzet, saison 3, Strabic (online magazine)

2022 - Elle, video, acquisition 49 Nord 6 Est - FRAC Lorraine, Metz, FR
2016 - Puzzle noir and Billboard posters (serie of 5) + Something must happen, 49 Nord 6 Est - FRAC Lorraine, Metz, FR
2015 - Tablette in the collections of FRAC Lorraine (Metz), FRAC PACA (Marseille), FR
2015 - untitled (drawings A3) and 3 Corian panels in the collection of FRAC Alsace (Sélestat), FR
2013 - Collection, Artothèque de la Ville de Strasbourg, FR
+ Private collections in France, Germany, Belgium, Austria, The Netherlands and the United States.

2011 - DNSEP in fine arts (master), HEAR (Haute école des arts du Rhin), Strasbourg, FR
2008 - DNAT Textil design (licence), École Nationale des Beaux-arts de Lyon, FR